Interview Episode: Rachel Bernstein

Special Guest: Rachel Bernstein

Rachel is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Los Angeles, California who has specialized in cult intervention and re-acclimation for over 30 years. Rachel serves on the advisory board of the International Cultic Studies Association and has worked with the Department of Justice providing support to cult survivors. You may recognize her from popular cult documentaries, such as Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult, or the Netflix series Unwell.


Rachel Bernstein is an LA-based therapist who has specialized in cult intervention and re-acclimation for over 30 years. Over the years she has made many media appearances as a cult expert on CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, NPR, Bloomberg, and many other major news outlets. She is also the host of IndoctriNATION, a weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control, where she has interviewed hundreds of cult survivors, journalists, and experts.

If you have been personally affected by involvement in a cult, or would like to support those who have been, you can find support with or donate to Cult Information and Family Support if you’re in Australia (via, and you can find resources outside of Australia with the International Cultic Studies Association (via

If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs support right now, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 in Australia, or find your local crisis centre via the International Association for Suicide Prevention website at



November 15th, 2023

53 mins 48 secs