Interview Episode: Avi's Story
Special Guest: Avi
Avi is a first generation Melbourne born woman of Hungarian and Polish holocaust survivors and immigrants. She works in the creative industry as a visual and written storyteller, both within her own business and for organisations that work towards the prevention of violence against women and with the wellbeing and human rights of people from all backgrounds.
Avi lives with her wife and two rescued cats, loves technology, has been a practicing minimalist for over 5 years, and her language of love is cooking ever since she was a child. She is driven by cause, equality and change. In her life she has always known that there was more to life than just going through the rituals, to only exist, and has yearned for more with curiosity of meaning.
Avi shares her stories in the hope that others too may relate and feel validated. She knows how difficult it can be to use our voice, especially as women and survivors of childhood trauma.
In January 2018, Avi started seeing a new psychologist in Melbourne, Australia. She’d had therapy before, so the process wasn’t new to her – Avi had experiences with childhood trauma, and particularly wanted to get some help with managing panic attacks. The registered psychologist she found seemed to be a great fit; she had a holistic approach, utilising science-based practices alongside spiritual considerations, looking at ways of connecting with the core sense of self as well as with the body. These were all things that Avi was hoping to work on.
But a couple of months into the 2020 lockdowns, Avi realised that her life had become completely entwined with her psychologist’s. She had no time for her own projects, a lot of her other relationships had suffered, and her health was deteriorating. As she became aware that she was being isolated, boundaries were being broken and information divulged in therapy was being used against her, Avi came to realise that, in fact, her psychologist had been trying to groom her into a cult.
This bonus episode is an interview with Avi, who shares her story to warn others about something she had no idea could happen in this most trusted of relationships.
The Other C Word – by Her, 28 February 2021
Register of Practitioners – Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website
October 5th, 2022
1 hr 23 mins 58 secs