Theatre of All Possibilities / Odyssey Study Group


Written by Sarah Steel

Research by Anna Luria and Sarah Steel

Music by Joe Gould

Edited and Mixed by Matt Brazel

September 13th, 2023

1 hr 02 mins 25 secs

Season 6


Season 6 presenting partner:


In many ways, this theatre troupe and Fourth Way School became the most secretive this podcast has looked into yet. Many members didn’t know each other’s jobs, marital status, or even surnames. They didn’t see each other outside of what they referred to as ‘the work’, they didn’t know the classes they were going to each week had anything to do with the teachings of Russian philosophers, and they didn’t tell anyone outside what it was they were attending.

It seduced educated, affluent New Yorkers who recruited others according to strict guidelines. Many would lose decades, tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and untold hours of physical labour to the organisation they only knew as ‘school’.