Fire This Time
Special Guest: Shannon Bundock
Written and Hosted by Sarah Steel
Research by Haley Gray and Sarah Steel
Music by Joe Gould
Edited by Corey Green of Transducer Audio
December 16th, 2020
1 hr 33 mins 26 secs
Season 4
Season 4 presenting partner:
As a disaffected youth, Shannon Bundock was drawn to progressive ideas. In her late teens she moved into the city, to a poor neighbourhood in Vancouver, Canada, where she became hyper aware of the inequality all around her. The people who were trying to do something about this in the early 2000s ignited her passion for radical politics. At 19, Shannon was ready to dedicate herself wholeheartedly to doing her part to change the world for the better. More than five years later, she’d find herself flat broke and unable to make life decisions about the simplest things, like what to wear.
No Fire No Time — Ivan Drury’s blog archive of materials around his and other ex-members’ experiences in FTT, accessed November 2020
That revolution thing? My bad — by Erin Millar, Maclean’s, 12 March 2008
Fire This Time website — accessed November 2020, including Derrick O’Keefe’s private emails still online
Cuba Solidarity in Canada: Five Decades of People-to-People Foreign Relations — edited by Nino Pagliccia, FriesenPress, 2 December 2014
Ali Yerevani’s LinkedIn profile — accessed November 2020
Battle of Ideas Press website — accessed November 2020
“The Movement,” Mullahs and Liberal Muddleheads: From MAWO to Revolutionary Marxism — by Andrew Malieni, Spartacist Canada, No. 152, Spring 2007
Anti-Poverty Committee website — archived 19 March 2009
My Year Inside FTT (Fire This Time) — anonymous blog, 10 March 2016
COPE on verge of civil war — by Carlito Pablo, The Georgia Straight, 18 December 2013
Petty bourgeois definition — by the Marxists Internet Archive Encyclopedia
FTT/Y3WA report on a conversation — example of a report written up by a FTT organiser about a conversation with a supporter, 25 October 2005
Y3WA Meeting Minutes — example of minutes from a Y3WA meeting, 30 May 2006
Report on poster endorser mishap — example of a report on the potentially dire consequences of a mistake, 21 September 2006
Cuba in Vancouver Assessment — report on 2 weeks’ work by Ivan Drury, 8 October 2006
Assessment of families of the Cuban 5 tour — by Ivan Drury, 13 November 2006
All Events MAWO/VCSC/FC5C/FTT — spreadsheet of events late 2003 to mid 2007
Daily Schedules — 2x handwritten daily schedules from 2004
Letter to FTT/Y3WA members — by Shannon Bundock, sent January 2009
Y3WA History Package — supplied to new members, November 2006