The New Kadampa Tradition

Special Guest: Dr Michelle Haslam

Dr Michelle Haslam is a clinical psychologist who lived in Nagarjuna Kadampa Meditation Centre in Northamptonshire, England between November 2016 and June 2018. After leaving the New Kadampa Tradition, she began whistleblowing on YouTube and wrote a psychological report on her professional understanding of the abuse and exploitation that occurred via the teachings. Harassment by senior NKT members followed, and she has since had to keep her workplaces confidential.

Michelle now has a special interest in indoctrination, cultic dynamics and cultic abuse. Her website aims to provide multimedia informational materials to assist people in making informed decisions about their involvement with the NKT, while her YouTube channel supports dialogue between ex-members who feel safe enough to speak publicly.


Written and Hosted by Sarah Steel

Music by Joe Gould

February 12th, 2020

1 hr 33 mins 16 secs

Season 3


Season 3 presenting partner:


In 1996, journalist Madeleine Bunting wrote for The Guardian UK: “Most of the 130,000 Buddhists in this country are in the caring professions, or are academics, or are part of an ex-hippy culture; they are trusting, idealistic and naive. They thought Buddhism was immune to the fanaticism and hypocrisy which riddles all religions. The controversy surrounding the [New Kadampa Tradition] is shattering illusions that Buddhism was the one fail-safe religion.”

Twenty years later, clinical psychologist Dr Michelle Haslam joined the NKT under that very same illusion – one that she now feels obliged to help truly shatter herself.